Spring Trade Action Similar to 2020 and Last Year

Weekly Continuous

Current patterns are showing some consistency to trade last year and back in 2020, as the market is stuck in a consolidating trading pattern (though at different price levels) during the late winter early spring time period. Prompt gas has a history of finding some support in the spring. From a Q1 low (which traded on 03/26), the ten years average rally is about 50%. Last year from a low traded on 03/29 at $1.944, the successive prompts rallied prices 46%, but it took until late June to achieve that increase. Most of last spring the gas market traded in fits and starts but did trade higher monthly lows in April, in May and in June. Prompt gas rarely trades a lower low during calendar April than it did in calendar March (once since 2016).

Some of the technical indicators have marginally improved in both of the last two weeks but remain negative. Mathematically based momentum indicators (none of which confirmed the April expiration lower low) continue to suggest bullish momentum divergences. Divergences are not critical to a major shift in bias, but ignoring them leaves you at peril.

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Tired of Reading About Range Trade?

Daily Continuation

Seems like the market likes to go into a spring period of boredom as I discussed in the Weekly Section. Similarities abound and if you need further evidence bring up a month chart of continuation prices. not much more to add than what was discussed in the Longer term area so not going to waste more of my time. I gather you folks understand my not writing the same stuff day after day is not laziness but there is no way to put lipstick on this pig. — Plod along sell, premium count cash.

Major Support:, $1.595, $1.52-$1.511, $1.48, $1.312
Minor Support :
Major Resistance: $1.87, $1.94-$1.967, $2.00, $3.00, $3.16, $3.48, $3.536, 3.59

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Resistance is “Resistance”

Daily Continuous

That is why they call it resistance as prices trade between the 50 Day SMA and the 10 Week SMA but does not close above them both on a daily basis. The trader has to believe resistance breaks or holds — your guess is as good as mine.

Major Support:, $1.595, $1.52-$1.519, $1.432, $1.312
Minor Support :
Major Resistance: $1.87, $1.94-$1.967, $2.00, $3.00, $3.16, $3.48, $3.536, 3.59

Rerun Continues

Daily Continuous

As discussed in yesterday’s Daily– the trade seems to be following a path similar to last month in early March as weather brought some short term support to prices. The same seems to be occurring this month. Wait for for prices to definitively break above resistance– by closing above the near term resistance between $1.85-$1.96 on a daily basis– before entering any serious length. In the meantime, I found the early March rally a good opportunity to sell some premium in the options market.

Major Support:, $1.595, $1.52-$1.519, $1.432, $1.312
Minor Support :
Major Resistance: $1.872, $1.94-$1.967, $2.00, $3.00, $3.16, $3.48, $3.536, 3.59

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Similar to Last Month – Firm to Start

Daily Continuous

Seen this movie before — lets see if the plot thickens on this month as prices start the month off with strength only to fall back after the first week.

Major Support:, $1.595, $1.52-$1.519, $1.432, $1.312
Minor Support :
Major Resistance: $1.863, $1.94-$1.967, $2.00, $3.00, $3.16, $3.48, $3.536, 3.59

Strong Daily Close to May

Daily Continuous

Been a few days but nothing has changed. Prices rallied late last week but ran into the trading wall (either side of $2.00) regardless of the expiration gains given to May. Another month and would not expect a big shift in the recent ranges.

Major Support:, $1.595, $1.52-$1.519, $1.432, $1.312
Minor Support :
Major Resistance: $1.863, $1.94-$1.967, $2.00, $3.00, $3.16, $3.48, $3.536, 3.59

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No New Bias Definition

Weekly Continuation

April expiration was similar to March, but April’s spike lower was a little different. The trade to $1.481 was the low of April’s closing range whereas expiring March reversed higher, trading as high as $1.720 before fading to settle at $1.615, April appeared amply offered through the process. Settlement at $1.575 was $ .04/dt below March (significantly different from March settling $.875 below February) and was the lowest contract month settlement since July ’20 went off the board at $1.495.

April’s last minute spike lower had the earmarks of a classic capitulation low except that a volume spike was missing. With that critical difference noted, trade for the holiday shortened week had a striking similarity to the week March went off the board. With the premium awarded new prompt April the weekly continuation chart showed an “outside” week reversal higher (noted at the time also without the requisite volume ). Even so, April rallied to trade the calendar March high at $2.009 before retreating to close the “expiration” gap left between $1.720 and $1.782 on 03/12.

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Options Today Contract Tomorrow

Daily Continuous

I have jumped ahead to the May contract for analytical purposes as the expiring April (Wednesday) provides no analytical support. Stick with the themes from the Long term Week section and unless something dramatic happens this will likely be the last daily until next week (Good Friday celebration on Friday). Should something, happens will post on Thursday.

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Average Trade Range Narrows — Expiration Coming

Weekly Continuous

A second straight weak weekly close strengthens the technical presumption that prompt gas will be offered lower before April goes off the board. Readers may recall that expiring March traded the low of its life before reversing higher the day it went to settlement, February didn’t but did settle at a five day low.

It has been a long time since prompt gas traded a total range of $.122 during the week and even longer time since the average range for the last fifteen days was $.101. In late July last summer, the low ebb of the ATR did not quite reach the zone. The low calculation was $.117. The daily continuation chart shows that there was something of an immediate oversold rally but on balance prompt gas worked sideways to higher for a couple of months before kicking off on the Q4 ’23 rally. The low calculation on June 24, 2020 was $.0739, on April 28, 2021 $.0731. The periods that followed those calculations were strikingly similar, as price moved sideways to higher. The low volatility sideways to higher trade gave the lagging weekly calculation the time to catch up. In ’20 the weekly ATR fell to $.237 before a serious rally began. In ’21 to $.187 before a similar result. Currently the weekly calculation is $.396. Due to the ATR covering 15 weeks, another month will have to pass before the high range weeks that traded during January fall out of the calculation, but it will not take many weeks with a range of only $.122 for the weekly ATR to approach its historically bullish zone.

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Consequences For the Declining Range Trade

Daily Continuous

I have been poking fun and frustration of the recent range trading that the market has been providing us for the last month or so, but the market is going to respond to such lethargy. Go into some of the recent history of what happens in the Long term Weekly section. We have expiration this week and would expect similar type of action as the March expiration process (as we haven’t moved this month with April as prompt).

Major Support:, $1.595, $1.52-$1.519, $1.432, $1.312
Minor Support :
Major Resistance: $1.863, $1.94-$1.967, $2.00, $3.00, $3.16, $3.48, $3.536, 3.59

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