Author: Willis Bennett
New Bias Needs to Create New Range

Daily Continuous
The market seems to be changing it’s bias after the expiration last week. Would treat this change with caution until there is solid confirmation of the next and new range.
Major Support:, $2.112, $2.026-2.00, $1.991, $1.93 ,$1.642, $1.605
Minor Support :$2.62, $2.507-$2.44, $1.856,$1.89-$1.856
Major Resistance:$3.00, $3.16
Jury Is Out

Daily Continuous
While prices were up and down during yesterday’s expiration, I am going to state that the expiration process was well supported, thereby breaking the trend of the previous expiration’s of 2024 which were all well offered during the process. What does this mean?—The bearish bias (all through this year) is starting to take some hits. The first target is the gap remaining from the premium awarded the Nov contract (even though some of that gap was closed during yesterday’s decline). This will be the first test of a confirmation of a bullish bias change.
Major Support:, $2.112, $2.026-2.00, $1.991, $1.93 ,$1.642, $1.605
Minor Support : $2.507-$2.44, $1.856,$1.89-$1.856
Major Resistance:$2.618, $3.00, $3.16
November Maintains $.20 Premium
Some Firming
Next Three Days Are Key

Daily Continuous
Mentioned in the Weekly section: … eight contract months that have gone to settlement so far in ’24 three have traded pre expiration highs on or after the 22nd. May fell hard during its last three days, August for five straight days the others had variations of weakness and timing, Once it became evident that expiring contracts were being “amply offered”…five of the eight have traded contract lows on the day they went to settlement. Have mentioned it before that, a change in that pattern would indicate a change in the character of the gas market. This week we will find out whether that change has occurred.
How do you say the rubber will be meeting the road this week. Be interesting to watch after the gains of yesterday.
Major Support:, $2.112, $2.026-2.00, $1.991, $1.93 ,$1.642, $1.605
Minor Support : $1.856,$1.89-$1.856
Major Resistance:$2.18, $2.25-$2.310, $2.39, $2.44-$$2.502, $2.618, $3.00, $3.16
High Weekly Close — Bullish
Evidence of A Bias Change Continues
Breaking Resistance Takes Commitment

Daily Continuous
It seems that there just is not the commitment to send prices above the resistance yet. On the other side of trade, the lack of pounding prices lower is also a significant missing ingredient. Here we sit in a range trade game.
Major Support:, $2.112, $2.026-2.00, $1.991, $1.93 ,$1.642, $1.605
Minor Support : $1.856,$1.89-$1.856
Major Resistance:$2.18, $2.25-$2.310, $2.39, $2.44-$$2.502, $2.618, $3.00, $3.16