Where We Going

Daily Continuous

During 2024 the gas market has left several “expiration” gaps. “Expiration” gaps are not uncommon. What is uncommon is if/when they go unfilled for any significant length of time. There was one back on 12/28 after January went off the board premium to February. That gap was filled during February’s first day as prompt. The next one was a big one and remains open between $2.168 and $2.441. March failed after narrowing the gap about a nickel (signalling an excellent indication that much lower prices were in store). That the gap will likely be filled, but not right now. Since the gap that followed February expiration, there have been two others and now likely a third. The first two (after March and April expiration’s) were filled in the following monthly trade. On Monday, if June opens unchanged there will be a $.281/dt daily continuation expiration gap (between $1.628 and $1.909)–and a weekly continuation expiration gap between $1.848 and $1.907. Due to the timing of contract expiration’s there hasn’t been one of those for a while but a weekly of anything is more significant than daily. Expect both will be filled sooner rather than later.

Major Support:, $1.595, $1.52-$1.511, $1.481, $1.312
Minor Support :
Major Resistance: $1.94-$1.967, $2.00, $3.00, $3.16, $3.48, $3.536, 3.59

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